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  • Mikah Meyer

“Back to School” Means Different Things to Everyone

Updated: Mar 26, 2020

This post is sponsored advertising content by State Farm ®

It’s back to school time! That might be an exclamation mark filled with excitement, trepidation, hope or dread, depending on who you are and what going back to school means.

Because K-12 years can often cause anxiety and feelings of not being included, one of my summer projects has been teaming up with State Farm and GLSEN as they help make schools a safer and more inclusive place for LGBTQ youth.

Check out the stories from this summer:

1. Using Today to Make a Better Tomorrow

2. Being Ourselves, Unapologetically

3. Changing Search Results Forever

4. Being Comfortable Being Seen

5. Helping Students Feel Extraordinary

How have you lived with Pride this summer? What programs have you seen that are helping students? Let me know in the comments.

And a thank you again to State Farm and GLSEN for their support of LGBTQ youth. I’ll be doing my part by speaking at my first Rainbow Conference this coming May in Maryland, and am interested to learn more about what school is like for LGBTQ students in 2020.

This post was sponsored advertising content by State Farm ®

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