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Canyon Chorus

A short film that explores "the journeys we've had and the people who've been in our lives that are important to us."

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Public Showings
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World Premiere: Friday April 26, 2024

5Point Film Festival -

Carbondale, CO

Bentonville Film Festival June 10-16, 2024

Shorts Block 4: Story Medley - June 13, 3:30-5:30pm

Bentonville, AR


"Led by Academy Award winning actor Geena Davis, BFF is dedicated to championing diverse and underrepresented voices in film and media year round" -


At the Film Festivals

Watch The River Rats perform at the 5Point Adventure Film Festival


About The Film

Filmed in August 2023 in collaboration with Wondercamp studios and Eddie Bauer, Canyon Chorus is the culmination of five years Mikah has worked with the brand to make the great outdoors a more welcoming place for all people.


To learn more about Mikah's story and have him present to your audience live, visit the Speaking/Singing page

Meet The Cast

The Impact of Canyon Chorus

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    © 2015 - 2024 Mikah Meyer

Professional Speaker - Motivational Speaker - Travel Show Host - Travel TV Host - Gay Speaker - Best College Speaker - Best High School Speaker - Best Corporate Speaker - Travel Expert - Road Trip Expert - Gay Travel - Travel Influencer - Influencer - Travel Show - Best Motivational Speaker

Annual Partners

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